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HomePlants DecorationIndoor PlantsBamboo Plant: All About Lucky Bamboo Plant

Bamboo Plant: All About Lucky Bamboo Plant

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Lucky bamboo is easy to come by these days. Despite its resemblance to bamboo and its speed of growth, it is not related to it in any way and is more akin to a succulent.

Because it is poisonous to cats and dogs, this plant is not that lucky for pets but people consider that it will bring wealth and positive energy when at home.

Given below are some facts and myths about the lucky bamboo plant you should know along with the information on how to grow and take care of a lucky bamboo at home. Consider these points while bringing a lucky bamboo home.lucky bamboo plant benefits

Have a look at vastu for drumstick plant here if you are bringing a drumstick plant at home

Lucky Bamboo Plant Benefits

Feng shui bamboo has many benefits.

  • Brings good luck.
  • Brings prosperity.
  • Offers protection.
  • Helps with decision-making.
  • Balances yin and yang energies.
  • Purifies the air.

Also read the benefits of jade plant here.

Bamboo Plant Price

The cost of these plants varies depending on the type, height, and complexity of the arrangement. Smaller plants can be found for as little as Rs 799 per plant while more elaborate arrangements may cost upwards of Rs 1000 and above.

Buy Lucky Bamboo from Amazon Online: You can buy bamboo plants online from amazon. Lucky bamboo price at amzon starts from Rs.199 Only.

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Lucky Bamboo Care

Some people believe that lucky bamboo plants bring good fortune and money to their owners, especially if they were given as gifts. The number of stalks on your bamboo plant may also reveal the significance of the plant—for example, three stalks are said to bring wellness and joy, but eight stalks signify progress and wealth.lucky bamboo plant care

Lucky bamboo has a well-deserved reputation for being nearly indestructible. However, your lucky bamboo will require certain growing conditions to be healthy, such as enough light, water, potting soil, fertilizer, and temperature.

Beyond that, there is not much you can do to genuinely destroy a fortunate bamboo plant; this is excellent news for novice plant owners or forgetful water providers.

Have a look at spider plant benefits before bringing it home.

  • Light – Lucky bamboo grows in an environment of plentiful light, such as under a rainforest canopy. They are more resilient to insufficient than excessive illumination.
  • Soil – Lucky bamboo may be cultivated in well-drained, rich potting soil.
  • Water – To avoid illnesses and odors, change the water in your water vase every week.
  • One of the most essential elements to consider before purchasing bamboo is its variety and growth temperature requirements.
  • These plants can endure temperatures ranging from 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which is rather typical. Your lucky bamboo plant’s normal humidity is sufficient, so don’t worry about boosting the levels in your house.

Here are some money plant benefits you should know before buying or brining home.


Lucky bamboo, despite its odd appearance, is not pruned and molded in the same manner as bonsai, with careful trimming. Pruning is an essential component of maintaining your lucky bamboo healthy. Instead, utilize sterile snippers to remove the offshoots.

Trimming the stems back to within an inch or two of the main stem is fine. New shoots will sprout soon, and the plant will get bushier. Cut the end in paraffin to discourage new growth.Caring a bamboo plant

Lucky bamboo plants do not require trimmed shoots; rather, they create them by turning the plant stalks in front of a light source, causing the plant to grow naturally toward the light.

To generate their unusual spiraling forms, experts frequently grow stalks on their sides. However, this is a time-consuming procedure that needs patience and attention to execute properly at home.

Placing the plants inside a three-sided box and paying close attention to their growth rates before rotating them slowly and regularly can help you achieve this goal.

Also read about dieffenbachia seguine and its care here.

Propagating Lucky Bamboo

You may grow lucky bamboo by taking cuttings at any time to produce new plants for yourself or as an auspicious present. However, the rooting will not look like the type of plant you could buy.vastu tips for lucky bamboo plant

  1. Remove the leaves from a stem cut taken from the primary stalk with at least one leaf joint, then trim the leaves to expose the growth nodes.
  2. Fill a container halfway with water and set the knife inside.
  3. Keep the water clean. The appearance of roots is typically in about 30 days. So keep a watch on the growth of the plant.
  4. When the roots have emerged, place the stalk in a lovely vessel filled with water and pebbles or soil.

Consider reading: areca palm benefits and its care at home.

Common Pests

The insect problem of lucky bamboo is similar to that of other indoor tropical plants. They may be treated by hand or in the same way you would treat any other indoor plant. Look for mealybugs, aphids, and mites. You may also use mild liquid dish soap and water to cleanse the entire plant of insects as well as moldy areas.

Common Problems With Lucky Bamboo

The issues generally revolve around the quality of water supplied to nourish and grow the plant. Maintaining an eye on changing the water and using high-quality water may help solve any of the following issues.

Browning Leaf Tips

Chlorine or water with a lot of chemicals might cause leaf tips to become brown and kill the plant over time. Remove dead leaves from the pool so they do not decay as this may cause germs to enter the water.

If you want to bring snake plant at home then consider reading about it here.

Black Roots

It’s possible that a plant has black roots as a result of any number of factors. The greatest solution is to cut the black roots away as soon as possible and put the stalks in a new container of water. Red or orange healthy lucky bamboo roots are the norm.


If you notice algae growing in your aquarium, it’s often because the plant is housed in a transparent glass container, allowing light to enter and encouraging algae growth. Remove the vase and clean it with mild liquid dish soap and water (use if necessary). If algae persists, consider using an opaque container.

Note: read about some attractive money plant decoration ideas here.

Yellow Leaves

If the plant is exposed to too much light or fertilizer, the leaves on lucky bamboo will become yellow. Reduce the fertilizer dosage and shift the plant to a more shaded location.

Brown Leaves

When lucky bamboo has bright green leaves, it usually indicates damp air or unclean water. Spraying the plant regularly may help to increase the moisture level in the container.

Mushy Stalks

If the stalks begin to decay or fall apart, they are probably beyond repair. It also indicates that the roots are most likely dead or dying. Dehydration can also produce a rotten stench. A fungus, or germs that were on the plant when it was acquired, might cause decaying stalks.

Read about vastu for money plant before bringing it home


Lucky bamboo is an easy-to-care-for plant that can spruce up any home décor. With its unique roots and hardy stalks, it’s a plant that will last for years with proper care. The fortunate bamboo plant is also supposed to bring happiness and luck to its owners.

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  1. Amazing, I know that bamboo plant is lucky but I never knew that it can be used in so many ways. I really like the idea of using it as a decor in the house while attracting all the luck and prosperity. Thanks a lot!


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