Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeArchitectureConstructionHow To Make Your Home Electric Shock Proof

How To Make Your Home Electric Shock Proof

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When constructing a house you need to pay close attention to the electric work. From laying the pipes to wiring and fixing the fittings and Electric Outlets, you need to check everything during the house construction. Negligence or Common Mistakes in Electric Work, use of inferior quality materials or unprofessional and untrained electrician can lead to fatal incidents which are irreversible, beyond repair. So, it is necessary that you pay close attention to electric work when constructing your house.

Hiring Professionals

When constructing a house you need to take care of the electric work carefully and for this, you must hire trained, certified and experienced electricians. They are the professionals that can make your house free from Electric Shock and make it a shockproof home by installing the right materials and Child Proofing Outlets.

Professional Electrician

How To Calculate Total Load Of A House In India?

The electrician must be skilled in calculating the total load of the Electric Outlets that are used across the house. They will recommend the best wires for the house wiring based on the total load and this ensures that the wiring can easily take up a load of different electric outlets and entire house efficiently. They do the wiring of the house according to the Indian Electricity Rules and hence this enables them to make the house shockproof.

Indian Electricity Rules

Apart from the best quality wiring, the professionals also install Child Proofing Electrical Outlets so as to make the home completely shockproof and safe for kids, if any.

child proofing electric outlets

Following House Wiring Checklist As Per ISI Specifications

Remember, all the installations of electric outlets and electric works must be in adherence to the latest ISI Specifications. You must ensure checking the House Wiring Checklist as per ISI Specifications and select only the suggested electric equipment and materials for your house wiring.


The wiring of your house must be done according to Indian Electricity Rules using the best materials and electrical equipment. This will not only make your home shockproof but also reduces the chance of Leakage of Current across the house wiring. Avoiding the checklist and using inferior electric materials and equipment are some of the Common Mistakes in Electrical Work in India today.

leakage of current

How To Avoid Short Circuit?

The best way to avoid short circuit is to give sufficient load to each circuit without overloading it. You must not exceed 10 electric points to a light electric circuit and total load must be within 800 watts to avoid short circuits. In electric work, one circuit is considered as one connection from the electrical meter. So for powering the wiring circuit, the number of points in the circuit must not exceed 2 and the wire size must be 1.5mm of copper and 2mm of aluminium wire.

short circuit

How to Prevent Electric Shock?

Electric Shock can be prevented by following the electricity rules while wiring a house. There are many rules for electric wiring in India which people must follow during the electric works of their house to make their home shockproof in all sense. Using broken or cut wiring, open or loose connection, rusted points, and burnt elements must be avoided as it can lead to open circuit fault and anyone can get electric shocks from this. Leakage of Current must be avoided if you want to make your house shockproof and avoid electric shocks.

electric shock

There are Electric Shock First Aid kits available in the market today which you need to keep handy at home. Anyone may get electrical shocks from appliances or open or loose circuits and for such situation, these first aid kits can prove to be helpful.

electric shock proof home

Using Of Earth Wire Of Proper Gauge

If you are using copper earth wire, then it must be of 14 SWG and 4mm square if it is aluminium. The fuse wire must be connected to the phase wire and the neutral link needs to be connected to the neutral wire only and then connect all the switches in the phase wire. The minimal size of the earth wire for the light circuits must not be less than 1mm for copper and 1.5mm for aluminium.

electric shock proof home

So, these were some of the ways to make your house completely shockproof and ensure to do the electric work of your house based on the electrical rules and use only electrical equipment and materials according to the ISI specifications.

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing such valuable tips. The electric shot circuit is a very common problem in our area. And I have two toddlers at home so I am constantly worrying that they will get hurt. Although I did try childproofing the sockets my older one seems to find a way around it. So, I need an alternative way to keep them safe from electric shock.

  2. You can negotiate in doing any part of your home, but when it comes to electrically shock proofing your house- THERE IS NO NEGOTIATION TO BE DONE! These tips are so helpful and vital for everyone to follow religiously. Glad that someone is mentioning the importance and ways so well!


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